SE Module 3: The Implementation Plan(7/10)

What is an implementation plan?

It presents the elements of the logic model, activity calendar and budget in a concise and summarized manner.

It helps a person who isn’t familiar with your project to understand it better.

What is the goal of a proposal?

• Clearly describe the human, financial and technical resources needed for your volunteer project.
• Will be a reference during the implementation phase, like a floor plan or recipe.
• Allow potential financial partners to study your proposal.

How to create your implementation plan?

No matter which model you choose, don’t forget to include all the important information and to create a proposal that’s both easy and fun to read. 

Put your own spin on it! You’ll often refer to your implementation plan when carrying out, monitoring and evaluating your project.
It’ll be your reference tool, your best project partner!

Now, it’s your turn!