SE Module 3 : The Activity Calendar (6/10)

How to create an activity calendar?

The activity calendar allows you to plan your project over time and dedicate the right amount of time for each activity. If the activity takes longer than expected, costs can increase.

  • Determine the time required to complete each activity listed in your activity chart.

You can include planification meetings.
Don’t forget to include equipment and permit delivery times.

  • Then think about how activities work together.

Do some activities need to be completed before starting the next one?
Will activities be taking place simultaneously?
Are there seasonal restrictions (e.g., weather, school holidays)?


A tip: split each activity into sub-activities so you can better estimate the time needed.

Activity: Make a shelter for an outdoor piano


  • Draw a plan
  • Buy or rent tools
  • Buy the material
  • Make an appointment with someone who will lend a helping hand
  • Build the shelter